Conversations for Transformation, are blog publications by Meta-Life Coaching (Pty) Ltd, and focus on helping individuals navigate transitions, finding direction and purpose in life, Transformative Leadership Development, and the Integration of Spiritual Principles in Training for Human Empowerment, and Social Transformation.

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What is Personal Development all about? 
Sept 2023. Do you desire to excell and be the best you, and move forward in life? When faced with dilemmas and challenges, not many people know how they would truly respond. Especially when there is great uncertainty about what the future holds, and options are vague. Being autonomous, or self-governing, not only refer to the level of power, status, or wealth that may provide the resources needed to change the course of your life, but also how much you are innately guided by values, believes, unconscious unresolved issues, and pressures asserted by external forces, opinions of friends and upbringing. Very few people know how they will behave in a time of crisis, and when placed in a new, unexplored, strange environment with real dangers and enemies, in most cases you will behave as totally different person. Patterns of behavior within a familiar, friendly environment can suddenly change if the situation requires it. Unless skilled and experienced, the inclination of self-preservation and the fear it triggers, can suddenly remove the protective coat used to hide underneath, and bring out raw, uncivilized primal instincts. The benefit of personal development involves more than acquiring a new skill and enriching an ability that may open path to a better job, but is underscored by the hidden forces that govern attitudes and mindset, all dynamics that tremendously affect relations, motivation, and the outcomes of decisions.
Here is what you need to know and what you can do to make a difference in your life. Please read more at:

Is having a Mentor better than a Self-help Approach for Personal Growth?

Oct 2023. There are so many Self-help blogs or personal growth blogs available that you may get overwhelmed by information overload. That’s why Conversations for Transformation are so important as it will help you find your way through the fog of useless information on the blog jungle, and offer you a solutions and options that will actually bring about change, instead of only making you feel good for the day. All the things we actually look for in self-help books, workshops or the teachings of guru’s, is actually not about doing something to get something, but is rather about releasing the blocks that prevent you from experiencing the presence of peace within, and living that peace as an expressed manifestation of your dreams. Conversations for transformations is all about this process. Although some self-help guides do list a few easy steps that can be followed, rarely are they relevant to the readers specific life context. Mentorship is probably the most important element that involve encouragement and accountability. Without a trusted companion in whom to confide, reflect and provide the necessary disciplining, most people will drop-out and seek a reason not to bring about the changes needed for a transformative, life-enriching experience. In this Blogpost, I discuss the most impactful event, or experience that improved people’s lives, as well as what the benefits is to enlisting a mentor for your journey. Read more here:

How do you unlock your destiny and embrace a fresh start?

April 2022.  A bit of motivation when you struggle to venture out as Entrepreneur, or Social Activist, and need guidance? How do we remain conscious when life gets bogged down by economic, emotional and relational challenges? When life gets bogged down by economic, emotional and relational challenges, most people feel they need to be, or are punished for not being good enough. But, how will you discover your own potential if you only wait for feedback from others and opportunities that are given to you? The linked articles speak about breaking down barriers and give tips on preventing seeming limitations from becoming a stumbling stone. You can be who you want to be and venture out as future leader that can change the world. Meta-Life Coaching assist people to remain conscious when life gets bogged down by economic, emotional and relational challenges? We all need a bit of motivation when struggling to be present and focused on our offering and service to the world, and sometime we need guidance, and our Transformational Coaching / Counseling services provide just that. Interested? Read more here:

What is wrong, and what is right with the World?

March 2022.  When life gets bogged down by economic, emotional and relational challenges, most people feel they need to be, or are punished for not being good enough. But, how will you discover your own potential if you only wait for feedback from others and opportunities that are given to you? Here is the fact, in a competitive environment where people live from the point-of-view that lack exists and only the best are allowed to succeed, you have already failed. When I look at the most resourceful, resilient, and influential people on earth, it is those who have lost everything, maybe some even a limb, or physical ability, and others their homes, family and had to flee war and calamity to embrace a new start somewhere else. What amazes me is that they are not at “War with the World”, but simply merged with their experience and allowed it to guide them into newness, almost as if born again. (Read more about breaking this pattern here, and changing your world;

What have you discovered about yourself during difficult times?

Sept 2021.  Majority of people today will only consider things like self-improvement and education, if there are prospects of financial gain, and the next best job, but what if there are no guarantees to achieve these ideals. How much did it change your life, and what improvement can be detected in your personal understanding of self, your significance in the world, and the way you purposefully interact with life? Maybe, through all the turmoil, you have realized that the way we live and function creates unnecessary focus on self-gain and comfort, instead of upskilling and raising the standard of joyful living. After the dust settles, what is important, however, is who you decide to be. What have you discovered about yourself, about life, and the way you want to live in the future? Time to reflect, isn't it. As we journey through life, at stages it is important to get advice, and find guidance to deal with life's challenges. "What you do today can improve your tomorrows" ~ Ralph Marston. Take action now, contact me now for a strategic session and find the benefit that Transformational Coaching provides for your future.

Man should not ask what meaning life can provide for you, but rather that we need to recognize that it is life asking you what you really want? When tragedy, trauma, challenges and a pandemic comes knocking on your door, how will you answer the call? Read more at:

The MLC Incubation model of Education acts as catalyst for transformation. As an extension of our Career and Academic Coaching services, we facilitate learner centred, interest based, with a self-study research focused curriculum that is multi-disciplinary, and helps the hard-working student to obtain qualifications in shorter periods of time, at more affordable rates.

A better future & Unique System of Education.

The Fourth Industrial Revolution is here, and it is changing everything. Education prepares people for the future of work, however, unemployment stats and economic turmoil threatens careers, in an age where Artificial Intelligence takes over. With big companies unable to provide jobs, prejudice and discrimination in society, poverty, and lack of affordable and relevant education - we are left with disempowered adults that are unable to cope with the future world of work. The Meta-Life Incubation is an educational opportunity that supports a new paradigm aligned with needed skills to do the job, never mind if they get a Colonized Government accredited stamp on it or not. We provide an alternative self-directed educational process that support entrepreneurial careers and focus on people’s unique interests, and talents, with flexible subjects and qualifications. Want to know more, visit: .

How do we find meaning in life?

The Meaning of Life, closely relates to an inner awareness of who you are, your expressed Identity, sense of belonging, and value contribution you make to life. We can also look at meaning by asking how you create your reality. And it starts with the kind of stimulus influencing your awareness of whom, or what you think you are? In terms of personal growth, this framework defines your reality. That meaning, with whatever you associate, or dissociate from, creates stories in the mind commonly referred to as thoughts. But negative thought forms determine the preoccupation of your attention, and gives rise to harmful feelings, and a self-destructive mind-set. When we get lost in thought, the negative images that form in the mind reflect our self-created interpretation of experiences in life. In our online discussion (see link), we will reason with thoughts, observe the futility of the mind, and give pointers on how you can overthrow the inner turmoil to find peace of mind, and live the truth of who you are in a meaningful way.

How do we find meaning in life, with a mind-cluttered by negativity?

March 2021.  Deep level Self-Mastery involves more than a pep-talk and soft skills. Read more at about how you can find again meaning for your life at:

Do you want to have the ability to rewrite your own destiny?

January 2021.  Will the stories you tell yourself determine your future?  You can read more on how you can create a better future here:

Why do you do what you do? A question often raised is this: “Martin, how do I make a real, meaningful change and make my life better?” When people talk about wanting to make changes, nothing will happen without any real understanding, or clarity around where they want to go. Some have some idea about where they want to be or what they want to do, but often don’t think they have the support needed to get there. That’s the point where most people give up. So in our discussion, think about what, where and who will you want to be, if you live-out this life-story you are telling and demonstrating to the world. Because, without ever thinking about any destiny, life will only reflect a foolish purpose, without aim, and no meaning for existence. Can you then justify the space you fill on earth, and the activities that you do? And if you have never really considered the direction you are aiming at, then why not start now, and rewrite the story of your life? For it’s not in the stories you speculate about, but in the values that you stand for and the purpose you demonstrate in the actions you take, that history is remade. For the stories we tell ourselves not only determine your future, it directly influences your experience of life as well. The secret to a better life is not to run away from the worst situation you can imagine. You can, however, escape the anxieties and dilemmas, by moving towards the best in you. To navigate to the new story about to unfold in your life, you need to know three things, read more at the link above.

Strategies for a better future: Transforming Inter-Generational Conflict.

February 2021. Are our youth really the new heroes of the future? The question is, how do changemakers deal with the challenges and resolve accumulated stress that affects their lives. Read more at;

Are our youth really the new heroes of the future? A simple Google search will show that inter-generational conflict is greater today than in the 70’s and 80’s. Significant changes between generational interests, mainly due to technological advancement, environmental awareness, and extreme focus on human rights issues, creates not only a gap in communication interest, but also the way young lives are moulded around completely different identity values, than those of their parents. But when too much attention is placed on popular media trends and commentaries on popular blogs that become the so-called leading experts on relational issues and personal development, no real change occur. Exploitation and copy-write enthusiasts flooding the internet with opinions to generate income (thanks to Covid regulations), shifted generation's focus on personal growth and improvement, to mean “I will find the answers myself” attitude and approach to life. No longer is expertise seen as necessary to facilitate healing, or essential to secure financial and career stability for myself. But are generational stereotypes not creating an obstacle for transformation? For example, if the younger generation feel they’ve got a message for the world, then they should speak, address, and promote their ideas to the older generation of influencers, instead of secretly sharing their ideas among friends for the sake of likes. Read more at the link on top. 
Why Change is Important, even when you uncertain.
Why do we need a big event, or disaster to make a change, or before I decide to improve my life. It has been said that people get comfortable in routines (even if circumstances create discomfort), because of the uncertainty change brings. Most people have aspirations for a better life, a dream in the heart for themselves, and a desire for the greater good of humanity. Positively communicating and appreciating all that we as humans collectively and individually achieved in the past and can still accomplish, builds capacity for greater dreams, and hope for the future. But rarely do we create a space in our own lives for the development of the inner qualities that cultivates external skills to support those dreams, and foster trust, faith, and growth. Seeking newness in life and passion for transformation may also run out of steam when we don’t have a support structure in place to facilitate transition, recovery, and personal improvement. Under pressure of trying to adjust to the new normal people quickly get discouraged, feel a failure, lose faith in the greater good, and stop dreaming about a better future. That is until we start asking the important questions; “Without this striving to fit-in, the craving of the have-to-haves, or superimposed should-be pictures … who am I, what do I really want, and what is the purpose for life”? 

How can I resolve uncertainty during a pandemic, find purpose, and improve the quality of my life? Hope for a better future is not a wish, nor just a desire for things to be different. It is a course of action, combining mind and heart. Something needs to happen! In the Article you will find specific steps you can take that will open possibilities for a better future.

What works best - New Year’s resolutions, or re-defining your view on life?

January 2021. There is more to Life than a Pandemic – Time to rethink the way we look at it! Full post available at:

While news off further pandemic impediments run amok on Social Media and Community Networks, it is not strange that people feel increasingly vulnerable and protective over themselves and their loved ones. But isolation also causes great social disconnection and anxiety, and the added stormy weather alike the economic challenges we face, also contributes to disconnection with our personal sense of value, purpose and spiritual direction in life. But being in such a vulnerable position is not necessarily weakness. Yes, it reveals the areas where you feel less competent and also make you feel less comfortable to make New Year's resolutions and plan ahead. But by being vulnerable about who and what you are, truthful about the challenges you face and being open about areas where you feel less confident is actually an act of great courage. In fact, the ability to be open and vulnerable is the most accurate reflection of your earnest desire for change, the courage to address discomfort, and speaks of tenacity to engage difficult process that will bring healing, growth and fulfilment. Conversations for Transformation and Spiritual Direction focusses on interactive reflective discussions that seek to discover your greatness, seeing the bigger picture for your life, and inspire empowered action with the correct tools that will bring you joy and courage in the midst of vulnerable situations.  [Want to read more? Join us here]. The Meta-Life Coaching model takes multiple transformational approaches towards Person-centred Transformative Coaching and Counselling. And yes by working with your #metalifecoach, you will gain clarity and direction for your life and together we will work on the best strategies to improve, whatever you are working on, or struggling with in your life. During Covid limitations we will remain open to assist, we can meet in person, or online, for short consultations, and long-term engagements. Speak to you soon.

Finding Meaning in the Frustrations of Life.
March 2019. Full article at
Often stress from environmental factors gets in the way of inner peace and objectivity. And when the kettle boils over, those who observe your life (the critics), label it as unresolved anger issues, or as a person that is dysfunctional in society instead of offering support and understanding. Anger issues and depression, for example, relate to the feelings that are reflected in the events and circumstances that we attract in our lives and not necessarily your conscious thought. Anger then, cannot occur unless you believe your person-hood has been violated. Working with these inner reflections and feelings of discomfort, is to love yourself enough to release conflict and inner turmoil in order to promote peace & harmony in your thoughts, and help you to focus your energy on wholesome activities. So, how do we interpret frustrations and what steps do we take to transform that situation into an empowering situation. Anger issues and depression, for example, relate to the feelings that are reflected in the events and circumstances that we attract in our lives and not necessarily your conscious thought. Let me explain here (link) for some short insights to our conversation.
More than often this reflective process requires assistance, else the real meaning behind these valid feelings of frustration can be lost. We, therefore, need guides that can help disseminating the signals, signs and guidance given by bodily and emotional sensations, and help to strategize steps for moving forward to a more empowered life experience. Today, I want to invite you to step back and get to think about what you really want. So take that step, reflect, and when you need a hand, let’s have a conversation, don’t you think? 

Reconnecting with Purpose during Chaos.         August 2020. Full article at

OSHO once said, “You will find meaning in life only if you create it. It is a poetry to be composed. It is a song to be sung. It is a dance to be danced”. It is easy to get overwhelmed by uncertainty and stress during difficult times, and the daily threat of our inability to survive the economic curve, are just surface issues of much more that’s influencing our values and perspectives on life. The experience of living in heightened chaos is highly undesirable and has a negative effect on your mental and physical health, it deteriorates the quality of relationships with the people you live and work with, and leaves you feeling disconnected with the greater source of life. But the scenario may change, and in this brief discussion, we hope you may be encouraged to move beyond conversations revolving around chaos and find the inspiration and steps needed to make changes for a wholesome future.

 The one thing in life, however, that never changes is change – it happens whether we like it or not. In reality, we all experience a struggle between accepting change and resisting it, trying to make things different and yet feeling an anxious need to keep things the same. This struggle is what makes personal transformation so difficult and when economic uncertainty threatens our survival, and to do something about it. But it has to start some place, and some time. You can embrace your evolving future by empowering and expanding your capacity to be whatever you chose to be, do, or have. Imagine, really knowing what you want, how to go about getting there, and the confidence to do it. Please link to the full article, or our newsletter to find how you can make that transition.

Choose to Say Yes, I said yes to myself, yes to Life.
February 2019. Follow the link to read the full newsletter article.
“Looking at the past [is] only a means of understanding more clearly what and who you are so that they can more wisely build the future” (Paulo Freire).

While life seems to bring about the worst of spiritual challenges, and can cause great distress - we rarely have it all together, and neither do we live fully in touch with our own brokenness. For if we are in touch with the pain of our own betrayals – we will be courageous enough to live louder, risk more, to say yes to life, and invite passion to inspire our hearts to live wild again. We can’t always chose the music life plays for us either, but we can choose how we dance to it, is it not? And we don’t have to be positive all the time for it is perfectly okay to feel frustrated.Now for sure you know what you really desire and want out of life. Maybe you just need some guidance, new perspective, encouragement, or a mentor to facilitate your transition towards your next great achievement. Here is the good news, there is no better time than the present to start thinking about where you’re heading in life and how you are going to get there.

I chose to say yes to life, to every challenge it presents, pain, and joy. I said yes to myself, realizing that it is only in the yearning to give expression of your inner passions and longings that your gift comes alive. You’ve got a new story to write, and it looks nothing like your past! What turned my life inside-out, was the willingness to be authentic and follow my dreams – and it is not too difficult when you have quality guidance and open-minded mentors, and hopefully that is what I can offer to you. Transformations-Coaching helps you to focus on what you want rather than what you don’t want. One of the key questions faced by many are whether they are happy with who, where, and what you are? So, let’s help you to realize and bring about lasting change, and prioritize what is important for you as well.Looking forward to engage with you soon. Martin. 

Finding New Meaning for Life.
Jan / Feb 2017.  Full Article available at
Life has Meaning; Find it – Live it. This is the purpose of life.
The search for meaning in life is a process of self-improvement.

For some, the beginning of the year moves rapidly into the daily and monthly routine of meeting sales targets, organizing meetings, and conducting business as usual. But for others, the New Year symbolized the possibility of new beginnings, or an improvement over what was. What if our journey on Earth is a unique opportunity of growth and development? Here is an opportunity for you ... you CAN live your dream. Meta-Life Institute has the unique offering that can guide and empower the journey to be fully engaged with every aspects of our beings, whether to integrate values and spiritual aspirations with business goals and objectives, or developing the capabilities to fulfill your aspirations. The Coaching and mentoring services, and educational courses offered is designed to support every individual on their path of transformation and growth. Dreaming, or doing, is a choice that will mean the difference between failure, and success. And you can make a difference by joining us on Facebook in #Conversations_for_Transformation.

Embracing the process of transition is a choice. When life doesn’t seem to be beautiful anymore and if there seems to be no great future for you ... you don’t have to face dilemmas alone – Don’t get stuck there - see the light again and enjoy life. You may be aware of a person that needs to be empowered to again live a life of meaning and greatness. Don’t wait any further - you know you need to speak to someone, so take action right now, I'm waiting for your call, Cell. 073 439 9060.

You can also read more about our alternative approach to education on the full article available at this link.

Our Future in the hands of a Leadership Dilemma!
June 2016.  Full Article available at 

Life never ceases to have a meaning, under any conditions, even tragic and negative aspects of life points to a purposeful path, so look for meaning therein. Through the attitude adopted towards any predicament, whether pain, death and guilt, or disaster, instead of succumbing to passive acceptance - you can turn it into a human achievement, not despair but triumph. (Victor Frankl).

A Fragmented Society reflects the inner lives of its Leaders as its primary sources of knowledge and change initiatives. Social Transformation involve a process of dialogue, and action that results in substantial shifts in social norms, but is characterised by the legitimacy of discordant voices, particularly of those most marginalised in society. Those who stand for progressive social change believes that our society needs transformation; however, this transition demands serious introspection on the fundamental drivers that may limit, or empower human endeavour. The dilemma arises when Leaders, based on their own role models, do not propose new ideologies, or represent a unique Identity that can provide constructive direction, unanimity, and interconnectedness across borders to provide meaning and stability for the new generation. Part of the problem may be that we know very little about what constitutes good leaders, or how to develop the capacity that would address the prevailing negative forces that reinforce a disjointed society. Or must there first be another cataclysmic event that will unite people for a common cause, or a Vision for Transformation that can provide new foundations for a united humanity? Read more about the need for Social Transformation, and what you can do about the dilemma we face at: Leadership Dilemma.

For regular Tweets by metalifecoach, follow us on Twitter @

Can Leadership Development Transform Society?
May 2016.  Full Article available at    

Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself.” (Leo Tolstoy).

How do we create a society that is better enabled to deal with the challenges we face today? While reformation movements have come and gone, current systems are still not fit for purpose to create and sustain a ‘New Earth’ global community. What is needed is a new kind of thinking about the role of transformative, or developmental leadership, especially the role of education, and the position of social and business leaders therein. Training interventions that focus on Leadership and Entrepreneurial development therefore need to bridge this gap, and retain talent transfer that serves the needs experienced in the work place. The future role of collaboration in learning and the position of various business leaders therein, are key dynamics often debated among Millennials. Young people long for transformation in their communities and the new generation of leaders are challenging systems thinking, and are calling for mentors with an out-of-the box business and educational approach to guide and support them.

Transformative Coaching, illuminates the processes of business leadership to impact change in society, which can translate into practical interventions that promote this kind of support needed. Several ways to stimulate a transformative learning experience is identified and included in the Entrepreneurial Leadership Incubation process that utilises group projects and interactive dialogue between various generations to stimulate critical reflection, innovation, and growth. This approach to leadership development is dynamic and contributes to the effective development of leadership skills that can be transferred to empower the next generation. The complexities entailed, also require a new kind of change agent who has developed the personal capacities required for the complex demands of effective leadership to initiate change. This kind of approach to education, under guidance of an incubation mentor, aims to cultivate four specific capacities indicative of transformative Leadership. Read more about these qualities embeded in the Leadership Development process presented by the Meta-Life Institute. The full article is available at this link.

Read more

How to Create Harmony and Transform Society. (Article Click here).

Vision for a New Earth Spiritual Community.  (Article Click here). 


Urgent appeal: There is continual need of business leaders, educators, and change agents, to be part of this kind of solution. The in-house short-courses and Academic Mentoring offered by Meta-Life Coaching in Pinetown (KZN, South Africa), is an extension of our Transformational Life-Coaching services offered, and part of the Change Agent Incubation programme presented. Should you be interested to know more, whether participating as Mentor, Student or Sponsor, please inquire at:

Creating a better Society - Why should I care ... Do you?
April 2016.  Full Article available at    
“Change the way you see things and the things you see will change”. (Dr. Wayne Dyer).

Don’t you get it, what do I care about a world that is full of anger and violence, corruption and lies, poverty and drought, abuse and political scandals, and oh yes, earthquakes and cancer! As long as I earn enough money to pay my bills, eat enough, have something to wear, and can entertain myself safely at home in front of the television with the latest soapie, why should I care? Is it not enough that we talk about it at work and read the newspapers to make us aware? Why should I do more?

Conversations for Social Transformation, is an initiative of the Meta-Life Institute that recently held another public talk to promote public awareness of possible solutions for the problems experienced in our communities. During the meeting held in Pinetown (KZN, South Africa), interested parties participating in the conversation raised several questions concerning the causes of conflict, and the process involved to establish peace and harmony in society. In this regard, steps to initiate Social Development were discussed that would lead to the needed transformation in our communities, and to foster wholesome conditions for people to live in harmony and prosper. Disturbing the results as it may seem, the conversation also turned to the reasons why there is no real progress. The processes of transformation are indeed complex. To read more about the challenges confronting the world today and possible solutions, please read the full article here.

Instead of the usual legalistic approach of do’s and don’ts, these kind of interactions propose new approach towards life. The NEW EARTH spiritual principles promoted through these Conversations for Transformation, can be followed by any person desiring to see a change in the world. Positive change starts with conscious and mindful living. When we are preoccupied with making a difference, we will be willing to stand for the principles you want to live today that will create a better future for all tomorrow. It is often said: Be the Change you want to see in the World”. Social development and growth thrive when these factors are present. 

Visions of Transformation.

How do we create a better world to live in? How do I deal with the frustrations of life? A very relevant topic and important principles that can be applied personally and in your work environment. Social or Personal Transformation, it all boils down to Consciousness. At the Meta-Life Institute, our research focuses on the application of Transformative Learning Strategies that promote Integrative Spiritual Experiences and Social Development. Our intention is to assist a new generation of problem solvers to become conscious entrepreneurial leaders that want to make a difference to their communities. We have a vision for the transformation of social consciousness?

You can start by joining us on the Facebook group #Conversations_for_Transformation.

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